by Jake Tomlinson Growing up hunting grouse in the hills of north-central Pennsylvania, I learned early that once we reached the hemlocks, we had to be ready to shoot. To […]
Grouse Ecology
The Appalachian Grouse Diet – What Do the Birds Eat and Why?
by Nick Biemiller | RGS & AWS Forest Conservation Director – Southern Appalachians The Southern Appalachians are the southernmost extent of the ruffed grouse’s range in the Eastern United States. […]
Providing High-Quality Habitat may be our Best Option to Protect Ruffed Grouse by Ashley Peters Bird hunters in Minnesota provided scientists with hundreds of ruffed grouse samples throughout 2018 and […]
Know Your Cover – Species-group profile: Cherries
by Stefan Nelson, RGS & AWS Forest Wildlife Specialist The Upper Great Lakes states have three species of native cherries, all belonging to the Prunus genus and the Rosaceae family […]
RGS & AWS Northeast Forest Conservation Update: Part 1
A primer for those curious about ecological issues impacting the Northeastern Region of the U.S.
Timber Management in the George Washington and Thomas Jefferson National Forest
The need for increased timber management on the George Washington and Thomas Jefferson National Forests is at an all-time high.
Gordon Gullion: Sage of the Ruffed Grouse
Gordon Gullion played an integral role in the study of ruffed grouse as well as the history of the Ruffed Grouse Society. People tend to take scientific discoveries for granted. […]
Modern Carnivore Podcast Features RGS & AWS
Join Mark Norquist, host of the Modern Carnivore Podcast, for an interview with RGS & AWS President and CEO, Ben Jones. LISTEN | Modern Carnivore Podcast – Episode #15 About […]
West Nile Virus in Ruffed Grouse and Test Kit How-To Video
An update on West Nile Virus in Ruffed Grouse and a test kit how-to video. The second-year results for the Great Lake states’ collaborative West Nile Virus (WNV) study are […]
RGS Supports Ruffed Grouse Symposium in Wisconsin Rapids – RGS
Upper Great Lakes Ruffed Grouse Symposium On February 25, 2020, Wisconsin hosted an Upper Midwest Ruffed Grouse Symposium. This event was geared towards professional wildlife biologists, foresters, and researchers managing […]