by Tom Keer w/ image Say the name Remington, Winchester, L.C. Smith, Parker Brothers, A.H. Fox or Colt to a sportsman and they’ll no doubt say guns. As jeans are […]
Covers Magazine
Bird Dog Botany
by John Stewart Wright w/ image Cheatgrass kills bird dogs. Not often, but too often, for any bird hunter who loves his or her canine companions. And sub-mortal cases are […]
New Dogs and New Friends
by Jessica Cobb w/ image Her expressive, mahogany-colored eyes, usually so playful, were all business and laser focused on the thick alder patch in front of her. As we approached […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Traveling with Firearms
by Reid Bryant w/ images I have long believed that bird hunting welcomes people into places they wouldn’t otherwise go. In the proximate sense, bird hunters find ourselves wandering through […]
You have Questions, Purina has Answers
by Keith Schopp Purina’s sporting dog team attends hundreds of events each year – from field trials and hunt tests to consumer trade shows and major conventions and conferences. Every […]
Habitat Improvements at Jennings Randolph Lake
by Ben Larson, RGS & AWS Forest Conservation Director – Mid-Atlantic In western Maryland, the Backbone Mountain Chapter and RGS & AWS staff have been working for over a decade […]
In Support of the 28-Gauge
by Phil Bourjaily All of a sudden, 28-gauges are appearing everywhere, as the rest of the shotgunning world learns what plenty of grouse and woodcock hunters have known all along: […]
The Ultimate Woodcock Gun
by Tom Keer One year we turned an unused camp closet into the most spectacular gun cleaning and storage area. Take a scrap of ½-inch plywood, screw it onto an […]
Featured Artist – David Hayes
“Ruffed Grouse”Watercolor14” x 13” on Fabriano 140# cold press paper David Hayes loves grouse hunting and painting, and has been doing both for more than 60 years. Hayes graduated from […]
Seared Ruffed Grouse Breasts with Ramps and Morels
Seared Ruffed Grouse Breasts with Ramps and Morels by: Adam Berkelmans, The Intrepid Eater This beautiful springtime dish makes use of some ruffed grouse breasts from the freezer as well […]