Register today for this virtual event: Wednesday, May 12, 11 am – 1 pm EST

This FREE working lands webinar hosted by Ruffed Grouse Society &American Woodcock Society and the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife program will educate landowners and natural resource professionals on working lands conservation programs intended to benefit wildlife species and promote forest diversity.
This webinar has been approved for the following. Please register here to receive credit.
- 2 CFE credits (category 1) with the Society of American Foresters
- 2 CEUs (category 1) of the Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal/Professional Development Certificate Program for participation in the webinar
- USDA-NRCS Conservation Planner Certification
Throughout history, oak forests have been appreciated for their enormous ecological, economic, and social value. These benefits are widely acknowledged by foresters, wildlife biologists, hunters, conservationists, and landowners.
However, successfully managing oak forests is no easy task. It requires knowledge, forethought, and patience. Due to land-use history, fire suppression, and poor or lacking forest management we are gradually losing our oak forests throughout the Central Hardwood Region and Eastern United States.
In this webinar, we will take the “Long View” by looking back in time to see how human history has influenced the oak forests we have today. This historical grounding will allow us to look forward and consider how our actions today can ensure we restore and sustain oak forests into the future.
To do this, we must first gain a comprehensive understanding of the history of our oak forests in the Central Hardwood Region and learn about their widespread value to people, deer, grouse, songbirds, and pollinators. We will then look more closely at current research and how these dynamic forests grow and change in the face of natural and human disturbances. Speakers will then share practical examples of far-reaching, thoughtful forest management on family land and how those examples can be replicated to perpetuate our oak forests throughout their range.
Dr. D.J. McNeil, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Daniel Dey, United States Forest Service
Chris Will, Central Kentucky Forest Management
Hosted by:
Charles Faires, RGS & AWS
Working Lands for Wildlife
The Long View: Sustaining Our Oak Forests
MAY 12, 2021 – AGENDA
Duration: 11 AM – 1 PM EST
11 AM: Welcome and Introduction, Charlie Faires, RGS
11:05 AM: Land-use History of Upland Oak Forests of the Central Hardwood Region, Landowner Perspectives on Oak Silviculture, Mason Danheim, North Carolina Forest Service
11:20 AM: The Birds and the Bees: Songbird and Pollinator Responses to Oak Regeneration in the Central Appalachian Mountains, Dr. D.J. McNeil, Pennsylvania State University
11:50 AM: BREAK
NOON: Ecology and Silviculture of Upland Oak Forests, Dr. Daniel Dey, United States Forest Service
12:30 PM: A Practical Strategy for Managing Oak Forests, Chris Will, Central Kentucky Forest Management
12:50 PM: Panel Discussion
Event partners: Working Lands for Wildlife, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Forest Service, Society of American Foresters, The Wildlife Society, North Carolina Forest Service, American Bird Conservancy