Join RGS & AWS for this forestry-focused virtual event on February 25 , 2021 from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm.
Register today for a unique opportunity to explore and discuss working lands conservation. This FREE webinar will educate landowners and natural resource professionals on working lands conservation programs intended to benefit wildlife species and promote forest diversity.
This webinar has been approved for 2.5 Category 1 CEU’s by the Society of American Foresters; please register to receive credit.
The event will start with an overview of historical natural disturbances to forests in the Central Hardwood Region of the US. We will look more closely at current research examining breeding bird responses to natural and silvicultural disturbances, as well as how management can be applied through federal programs on private lands.
Event will be from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm. Register for the event here or see the full agenda/additional information.
Partners include: USDA, USDA Forest Service, American Bird Conservancy, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Association of Consulting Foresters, Blue Ridge Resource Conservation & Development, North Carolina Division of Soil & Water Conservation, Forest Stewards Guild, North Carolina Forest Service, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Society of American Foresters, Southern Research Station