Countdown to Grouse Camp 2019
Since 2015 RGS/AWS members have followed along with our annual Grouse Camp Tour. From the organization’s roots, in Monterey, Virginia, to the far northern covers of Maine, the Grouse Camp Tour has traveled the country celebrating our beloved hunted traditions alongside our devoted membership.
The Grouse Camp Tour hasn’t seen the covers in Wisconsin since the inaugural tour in 2015. This fall Grouse Camp returns to Wisconsin as we invite you to join us during the first ever Grouse Camp Meet-up in Eagle River, Wisconsin, September 27th -29th.
Grouse Camp 2019
Located in the heart of some of the finest ruffed grouse and woodcock hunting in the world, Grouse Camp 2019 will be an interactive hunting and social event. There will be opportunities for both DIY and mentored hunting, along with educational seminars and casual gatherings.
While we invite one and all to attend Grouse Camp 2019, we’ve taken special consideration for the new or less-experienced hunter. This 3-day event will be action packed with various social and educational offerings for the new hunter to expand his or her knowledge and opportunities.
The camp will be hosted by RGS/AWS in collaboration with local chapters (Chain ‘O Lakes, Nicolet/Wild Rivers and Wisconsin River) at Trees For Tomorrow in Eagle River, WI.
Camp and Hunt
The locale of this event is smack dab in the middle of some of the finest ruffed grouse and woodcock hunting cover in the world aka Northern Wisconsin. Attendees will be able to venture out on their own, or with one of the local volunteer guides to hunt the surrounding public land forests.
After the hunt, attendees are free to camp at one of multiple nearby campgrounds or stay at one of the many nearby lodging facilities. (Additional details via registration link)
Bonus: Post-hunt refreshments of the craft beer type will be available on site from Tribute Brewing.
Learn Something New
On both Saturday and Sunday, there will be optional educational seminars covering topics such as:
- Using mapping software to target optimum habitat
- What does the best habitat look like from the ground
- Selecting the right shotgun, choke, and shot size
- Flushing and pointing dogs
- Safe hunting techniques
- GPS and compass use in the woods
- Proper clothing and gear selection
For those not interested in the educational offerings, you’ll be free to hunt the surrounding area on your own, with others you meet in camp, or with one of the local volunteer guides .
Meet New People
There will be ample opportunity to socialize and meet your fellow attendees at Grouse Camp 2019. From the kickoff campfire Friday evening all the way through the hunter’s swap meet and camp break-up on Sunday afternoon, the camaraderie of Grouse Camp will be a focal point.
Meet and mingle with fellow hunters and RGS/AWS members including special guest, Ron Boehme of the Hunting Dog Podcast.

Join Us at Grouse Camp 2019
We hope to see many new and familiar faces at this one of a kind event. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to learn more, we believe Grouse Camp 2019 will have something for everyone.
Join us in support of Healthy Forests, Abundant Wildlife and Conservation Ethics as we gather, hunt and celebrate together.
For a complete list of event details, itinerary and costs, please review the event flyer posted here: Grouse Camp 2019 Event Details
To register for the event, please follow this link to the RGS/AWS Store: Grouse Camp 2019 Registration