The C.D. Besadny Fish and Wildlife Area Grouse and Woodcock habitat improvement project was initiated in February 2019 to regenerate swamp brush to support grouse and woodcock habitat adjacent to recent clear cut aspen stands. To date, 8ac of mixed alder, willow, and winterberry brush have been mowed in these locations. These mature alder stands have not been managed in the past and are showing more horizontal stem growth and a decreased stem density than younger alder stands. By creating a patchwork of younger growth alder amongst these stands, we will provide woodcock with optimal feeding habitat, especially in drier years. This feeding habitat will be further enhanced by adjacent young aspen stands and the continued management of nearby aspen clear cuts. Until the recent cutting of nearby aspen stands, woodcock were quite rare in this area due to older growth vegetation. However, the habitat has improved and woodcock flushes are more common now. This project seeks to further enhance woodcock populations and hunting opportunity with future goals to include alder shearing on a 10-year rotation to continue appropriate alder management for woodcock habitat and coppice cutting of nearby mature aspen stands on this 2,600 acre Wildlife Management Area.
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