Currently serving as RGS & AWS Forest Conservation Coordinator for Minnesota, Scott gained the highly coveted council appointment after briefly serving as an alternate and attending regular meetings. Living in Minnesota, having a career that involves working in multiple facets of forest management in the state and being heavily involved with partner conservation organizations through his work with RGS & AWS, Scott was a natural fit. This appointment also represents a significant opportunity for RGS & AWS to advocate for diverse forest management, forest industry and wildlife.
About the council:
The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) is a 17-member board created to develop policy recommendations to the Governor and federal, state and local governments and to encourage the adoption of sustainable forest management policies and practices. Council members represent a wide range of forest resource interests and hold public meetings every other month to discuss key issues.
The MFRC develops and recommends sustainable forest policies, practices and plans that balance the economic, environmental and social values of the state’s forest resources.
As a seasoned forestry professional, Scott’s experience will be a great asset to the council and provide a much-needed voice for conservationists. This appointment lasts through January 2027.
To learn more about the council: