Project Map Funded by RGS in mid-2019, but facing setbacks due to COVID19 restrictions, this sheering project at the McMillan Wildlife Area was completed in early 2021. In total, 5 acres of large, overly-mature alder was sheared by a contractor at the end of Marsh Road. Coming in under budget, plans are in place to use remaining funds to accomplish more acres in the winter of 2021-2022.
This area is heavily used by hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts. It is directly next to a heavily used parking lot and adjacent to a hiking/biking trail. As it regenerates and responds to the treatment, it will provide excellent habitat for woodcock, grouse and other young forest dependent wildlife species for many years to come. Due to this project’s proximity to heavily trafficked portions of the property, DNR/RGS/AWS intend to develop educational materials to be placed on site in the summer of 2021, describing the habitat treatment, benefits to wildlife, and partnership between RGS/AWS and DNR.
Background The McMillan Marsh Wildlife Area is approximately 6,500 acres of heavily hunted public land with a wide array of habitat types. McMillan Marsh is located directly north of Marshfield, in central Wisconsin. WI DNR has a cooperative agreement with the Marathon County Parks Department for mowing/brushing walking and hunter access trails on McMillan Marsh. In addition, several woodcock surveys in the past several years have been conducted with the assistance of volunteers.