Agreement Narrative: Determining Management Strategies to Increase Preferred Habitat for Ruffed Grouse and Associated Wildlife Species
Primary Funder: USDA Forest Service
Location: Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky
Innovation: This project will thin non-merchantable timber in overstocked stands to reduce hazardous fuel loading and to perform site preparation to create young forest habitat, improve wildlife habitat,
and increase recreational opportunities. We will develop a Dynamic Forest Restoration Block (DFRB) focal area on Daniel Boone National Forest, implement baseline monitoring of vegetative conditions and wildlife populations, complete a logging plan analysis for the DFRB, complete a productivity and margin job analysis for logging contracting, collaborate with industry to develop advanced harvesting systems solutions, coordinate demonstration areas for advanced harvesting usage, prepare a case study from pilot timber sales, and provide educational opportunities.
Impact: The project will develop a DFRB across 32,000 acres on National Forest System lands, which will create a replicable model for collaborative work with the USDA Forest Service across our programs. The project will also result in a scalable model for logging contractor workforce development to solve a critical barrier to implementing active forest management in the Appalachian region.
Partners and Chapter Contributions: We will collaborate closely with Daniel Boone National Forest and other partners in Kentucky on implementation. Contracts will be awarded to local and regional logging contractors and service work contractors.
A specific logo is not needed to recognize funders or partners.
Identified DFRB geography in the South Redbird District (Completed March 25, 2023): 32,300-acres
Coordinated with Mainline Natural Resources to complete initial interviews with timber buyers and logging contractors to assess workforce development needs.