Fall Membership Promotion Extended | Join/Renew Today.
Dear Conservationists,
As a grassroots member-based organization working to impact as many acres of healthy forest habitat possible, we cannot further our mission without you.
Despite the challenging circumstances dealt out in 2020, we know Conservation is not Cancelled! With ruffed grouse listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in 18 states, and American woodcock listed as SGCN in 29 states, the need has never been greater. This is the conservation calling of our lifetime. We must take action, and we need you alongside us to do so! Can we count on your support as a member to help us reverse these trends? Will you renew your membership today to ensure grouse and woodcock remain on the landscape for future generations?
To show our gratitude for renewing, you will receive some great membership perks, but you must take action before September 26, 2020, National Hunting and Fishing Day. Please join or renew your membership today to stand united in conservation with thousands of other RGS & AWS members as we advance our mission of healthy forests. Together we will ensure that Conservation is not Cancelled!

Thank you,
Benjamin C. Jones
President and CEO
Ruffed Grouse Society | American Woodcock Society