As a follow-up to our prior email on HB 1300, RGS hopes the following information and links help clarify the situation and stakes for PA Game Commission, for habitat improvement, and for hunters.
Detailed background info
Our partners at Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA) have assembled an excellent webpage with relevant, detailed information on HB 1300 and how it’d jeopardize Pittman-Robertson funding.
Statement from US Fish and Wildlife Service on HB 1300
Here’s a link to the letter from the US Fish and Wildlife Service explaining the issue and consequences of HB 1300:
Make your voice heard
If you haven’t already called your PA state representative, here’s how you can find their phone number:
Please let your representative know you don’t support HB 1300 because it’d divert funds from the PA Game Fund, jeopardize tens of millions of dollars in federal funding, and set a terrible precedent for raiding the PA Game Fund.