Agreement Narrative: Southern Michigan Woodcock Habitat
Primary Funder: Michigan Wildlife Habitat Grant Program
Chapter Funding: Robert J. Lytle Chapter, Roger Moore Chapter, Saginaw Valley, Chapter, Southwest Michigan Chapter
Additional Funding:, The Michigan Upland Experience
Location: Deford SGA, Lapeer SGA, Port Huron SGA, Portland SGA, Michigan
Innovation: Collaborate with Michigan DNR’s Wildlife Management Division to identify areas within State Game Areas that would benefit from targeted management. Four sites were selected for work to improve site accessibility and wildlife habitat with a focus of providing quality roosting, feeding, and breeding habitat for American woodcock. RGS & AWS then managed contracts to clear overgrown openings and create edge habitat.
Impact: This project treated 80-acres across four different State Game Areas. Within the Deford, Lapeer, Port Huron, and Portland SGAs, mechanical mastication was utilized in the form of strip-cuts and irregular-shaped-cuts to improve and maintain wildlife openings and hunter access. This work improved the overall age-class structure of the surrounding area, provided more ideal American woodcock habitat, and served to set back populations of invasive species such as autumn olive.
Partners: We worked collaboratively with MI-DNRs Wildlife Division, specifically with regional Wildlife Managers. Additional project work was provided by local RGS chapter member, John Paige. Service work contracts were be awarded to local contractor, Split-Brow Habitat and Land Management.