Agreement Narrative: South Zone Jefferson Forest Management Support
Primary Funder: USDA Forest Service
Location: Clinch Ranger District, Eastern Divide Ranger District, Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, George Washington & Jefferson National Forest (GW-Jeff)
Innovation: This is a modification to our challenge cost-share supplemental project agreement (21-CS-11080800-198). This project will support active forest management projects to improve overall forest health, wildlife habitat, and meet the objectives from the Forest Plan on the Clinch Ranger District, Eastern Divide Ranger District, and the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. To accomplish this the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society (RGS & AWS) will perform active forest management planning and implementation activities, such as cruising timber, completing field surveys, identifying harvest areas, mapping, developing management recommendations, road management, , implementing noncommercial habitat improvements, and marking timber in advance of a commercial timber harvest. These efforts will increase the capacity of the GW-Jeff to complete active forest management projects.
This modification will include funding to pay RGS & AWS Forest Wildlife Specialist to complete 56 acres of noncommercial habitat improvements on the Clinch Ranger District of the GW-Jeff. This noncommercial habitat improvement treatment will help establish oak seedlings in advance of a commercial timber harvest to create young forest habitat.
Impact: Under this agreement, RGS & AWS will: 1) Provide trained and certified personnel to perform active forest management activities, 2) Provide transportation, equipment, materials and supplies for RGS & AWS sponsored personnel, 3) Collaborate with the GW-Jeff in the preparation of mutually acceptable, detailed work plan that follows the GW-Jeff direction as well as the provisions of this agreement. Utilize funds for specific projects, unless mutually agreed, based on the following distribution, 4) $30k for common stand exams, old growth surveys, and other needed forest management activities on the Clinch Ranger District, 5) $40k for timber marking and other needed forest management activities on the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, 6) $20k for noncommercial habitat improvements in Bland and Tazewell County on the Eastern Divide Ranger District, 7) $20k for timber cruising, field surveys , and timber marking, and other needed forest management activities on the Eastern Divide Ranger District, and 8) $70k for direct personnel funding to provide support to all parties in the fulfillment of this agreement.
The modification includes $39,131 to pay for RGS & AWS to layout and administer the treatment and for a service work contractor to implement the noncommercial habitat improvements on-the-ground.
Partners and Chapter Contributions: We will collaborate closely with Jefferson National Forest staff on implementation. Local contractors will be utilized for implementing the treatments on the ground.
A specific logo is not needed to recognize funders or partners.
Completed initial inspections and assessments of the field site and started layout of the treatment area.