Habitat Planning Assistance For
Private Forest Landowners
New York & Vermont
Offer technical support to enhance private forest conservation efforts, facilitating connections to financial support and cost-share programs provided by the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Working Lands for Wildlife partnership.

Non-industrial private forest landowners or Tribes who own or rent forestland.
New York landowners of forested lands in
regions of Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, Sullivan, Dutchess,
Orange, Putnum, Weschester, Rockland, and Essex Counties.
Vermont landowners offorested lands within Franklin. Chittenden, Addison. Grand Isle, Rutland and western Lamoille Counties.

Habitat Goals

Diversity and Abundance
On Your Property

Storage Of Your Property

Birding Activities

Invasive Species
- Forest Inventory & Management Planning
- Silvicultural Treatment Planning & Implementation
- Non-Commercial Habitat Work
The Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society work to connect private landowners with opportunities for forest stewardship, aiming to enhance forest health and support wildlife species dependent on forest ecosystems.

- Forest conservation planning
- Forest stand improvement
- Mast-tree release and structural complexity enhancement
- Incorporation of best management practices
- Restoration and management of young forests
- Strategic tree and shrub establishment

Regional Forester Staff Today