Larry Partridge, RGS & AWS Forest Conservation Coordinator for the southern and eastern upper peninsula of Michigan, has been appointed to the Pigeon River Country Advisory Council.
His role will be to support and advise on the activities within the forest region alongside other council members, many of which represent other conservation groups. This council operates within the Department of Natural Resources and states its missions as follows:
“The PRCAC considers and advises the DNR on plans, programs and activities proposed for, conducted within or affecting the Pigeon River Country State Forest. One of the council’s primary roles is to develop public support and local cooperation for programs adopted for this forest management unit.”
Larry’s appointment comes after RGS & AWS Regional Forest Conservation Director for the Great Lakes and upper midwest, Jon Steigerwaldt, who previously served on the council, stepped down this spring.
“With the recent hiring of Larry as our Michigan Conservation Coordinator, it only made sense for us to have a more local staff member represent RGS & AWS on the PRCAC. Stepping down opened up a spot for Larry to fill that role,” said Steigerwaldt. “Coming from a background in public and private lands forestry, as well as prescribed burning, I know Larry will be an experienced and knowledgeable addition to the council. Timing is great too. RGS & AWS recently wrapped up a State Wildlife Habitat grant focused on the Pigeon River State Forest and has another Wildlife Habitat grant application in the hopper for the Pigeon River that Larry spearheaded with RGS members and DNR staff.”
This opportunity will allow RGS & AWS to further shape our conservation footprint in Michigan. We look forward to optimizing this opportunity to benefit forest wildlife and our membership stakeholders!
Learn more on the PRCAC website: