Agreement Narrative: Hiawatha Early Successional Project
Primary Funder: Hiawatha National Forest (Challenge Cost Share)
Location: Hiawatha National Forest, Michigan
Innovation: This project leverages a mutual interest in working together to enhance early successional species habitat across the landscape. By creating a patchwork of various age classes of aspen and alder, this project aims to provide habitat diversity for ruffed grouse and American woodcock nesting, brood rearing, and winter habitat components in close proximity to each other.
Impact: This project directly impacts 195 acres within the St. Ignace Township region of the Hiawatha National Forest. One hundred acres of mature and over-mature aspen will be harvested non-commercially. Multiple age classes will be created within 50 acres of aspen by implementing strip cuts. 30 acres of wildlife openings will be managed for encroaching woody growth. 15 acres of tag alder will be regenerated across 3 separate sites. In addition, 50 soft-mast trees will be planted to enhance foraging activities.
Partners: We will collaborate with the Hiawatha National Forest. Service work contracts will be awarded to local and regional contractors.