Agreement Narrative: Glinda Stewardship SPA
Primary Funder: Ottawa National Forest (Stewardship)
Location: Kenton Ranger District, Ottawa National Forest, Michigan
Innovation: Repackaging timber sale that previously went no-bid when offered as a conventional timber sale contract. Commercial timber harvests will create young and open forest conditions by clearing decadent, over-mature aspen stands. Non-commercial service work items include alder shearing and brush pile creation to further improve wildlife habitat quality and quantity throughout the project area.
Impact: The stewardship project will generate the following outputs across the 271-acre project area:
1.) 271 acres of commercial thinning and clearcuts to create young and open forest conditions
2.) 50 acres of alder thinning to improve habitat for American woodcock and golden-winged warblers,
3.) 50 brush piles created for the benefit of a variety of forest wildlife such as snowshoe hare and ground-nesting songbirds. This timber harvest will also serve to promote aspen’s presence on the landscape and improve hunting opportunities for upland game hunters in the area.
Completed to Date (2/12/2024):
Glinda Timber Sale
- Sale is marked and prepped for sale
- Draft contact and bid packet have been prepped
- Timber sale has been bid out and highest bidder has been awarded contract
Alder Shearing
- Five project areas (37.9 acres total) were laid out in the summer of 2023
- Project was sold to Bacholl’s Brushing & Mowing
- Work was completed in five days in January 2024
- Currently working on getting an additional 16 acres processed through NEPA for in-house work in late winter 2024.
Partners: In addition to U.S. Forest Service timber and wildlife staff, we are planning to collaborate with the American Bird Conservancy on implementing alder shearing.