RGS is continuing to support public land acquisitions in Iowa. Iowa is commonly ranked towards the bottom of all states in terms of acres of public land open to hunting. Today, excluding public roads, only 2% (or about 750,000 acres) of Iowa is under public ownership. Even fewer acres (about 380,000 of that 750,000 acres) are under Iowa Department of Natural Resources management that has specific objectives of managing for things like wildlife and timber. In 2019, RGS members decided to do something about it by raising $5,000 in match to acquire a 120 acre property adjacent to Falcon Springs Wildlife Area. In total, 10 partnering groups and non-profit organizations helped raise a combined $215,750.00 that will be combined with Iowa DNR Pittman and Robertson dollars to purchase the property and help move the needle on public hunting opportunities in Iowa. With additional land acquisitions planned for 2020 and beyond, this land acquisition was the start we need as hunters/conservationists to accomplish the RGS/AWS goal to unite hunters and give them a unified voice to improve hunting and wildlife habitat where you live.