All are asked to join the Charles E. Bechtel and South Mountain Chapters of the Ruffed Grouse Society for a morning of working and interacting with staff of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. On Saturday April 16, 2022 we will meeting on State Game Lands 257 for a portion of the day while completing a habitat work project and touring of the Game Land. This field day will similar to past field days with the PA Game Commission in that all will be planting seedlings and seed of various shrubs as well as a tour of all the habitat work on the eastern portion of SGL 257. We will be meeting with the Southeast region staff of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
The day will start with a welcome and light refreshments at 9:00 in the parking lot off Dairy Road which is east of the intersection of state routes 443 and 309. You will be greeted by staff from RGS as well as staff from both Chapters. Updated RGS and Chapter news will be presented for all. Additionally, information will be presented by Andy Weaver PGC Southeast Regional Forester concerning the new RGS program called the Dynamic Forest Restoration Block (DFRB) initiative. While there are not any designated locations at this time in the Southeast portion of the state discussions are underway for their establishment.
Curtis Noll PGC SE Forester, will discuss the morning’s activities and the ongoing habitat work on this Game Land. Game Commission forestry staff will detail the proper planting of the seedlings and seeds for the work portion of the day. After lunch a driving tour of ongoing forest habitat work will be conducted. At various sites along the 4-mile route updated information will be presented. Topics included in the tour will include integrating timber management and prescribed fire operations as part of the ongoing forest habitat management program.
Lunch will provide for all participants. A hot lunch consisting of hot dogs, pork barbeque, macaroni and potato salad along with chips will be provided. Hot and cold drinks will be provided. All are welcome to bring a baked good for dessert.
All are asked to wear sturdy shoes and bring work gloves. Tools needed for the day will be shovels, rakes, and perhaps a digging bar. The Game Commission will provide planting bars for planting seedlings.
Directions: You can access the eastern most parking lot on State Game Lands 257 via Dairy Road. Dairy road is east of the intersection of Routes 443 and 309 in Schuylkill County. A location map is included with this announcement.
In order to meet your needs for the day, you must register. Email your name, number in party, and address to by APRIL 12.