Join Us in Celebrating Habitat, Membership and the Grouse & Woodcock Hunting Experience in New England October 21-29.

Join us for the third Grouse Camp Tour, where RGS & AWS staff will celebrate habitat, membership and the grouse/woodcock hunting experience. This year’s tour will be throughout New York and New England region spanning across several states.
Staff will candidly document and update the Tour in real-time on this page and on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter). Content will include featured habitat projects, interviews with biologists and dedicated members, grouse and woodcock hunting footage, featured gear/products, and more. Check back daily for updates, and be sure find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates in real-time for a glimpse into what grouse and woodcock hunting looks like in this storied region rich in hunting heritage. You’ll also get a chance to see some of the “how and why” RGS & AWS preserve our sporting traditions by creating healthy forest habitat for grouse and woodcock. It’s with great pleasure we present to you our 2017 Grouse Camp Tour!

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Follow Along the 2017 Grouse Camp Tour in Real-Time: