The 1960’s -TheMuffled Beat
The Ruffed Grouse Society’s roots are in the mountains. The organization, founded in the small Virginia town of Monterey, in the mountainous country near the West Virginia border, was granted a Virginia charter dated October 24, 1961 as The Ruffed Grouse Society of America.
And so the Society’s evolution began, an evolution that continues today as the Society adapts to meet its various challenges. New leadership istaking the Societyahead with new plans, new initiatives.
What the Society might accomplish in the future, however, will owe much to past investments and achievements, especially those of the last30 years, a quarter of a century plusof building on the principles of sound science and commonsense forest management.
The Society has experienced two truly seminal years, the first 1961, the year of its inception, and the second 1977. In that first year, Bruce R. Richardson, Jr.; Seybert Beverage, an attorney; and Dixie L. Shumate set out to create an organization to help find out what was ailing ruffed grouse populations, which they saw in general decline.
Richardson was the first president and last of the trio to die, passing away in April of 1994.
“Judge “ Beverage, who was confined to a wheelchair, was secretary and editor of the Society’s small newsletter. Shumate was treasurer.

Ed Yates, left, banquet chairman of the Middle Tennessee RGS Chapter, presents a photo of the house that held the first office of the Ruffed Grouse Society to Dave Sandstrom, treasurer of the RGS National Board of Directors. Dr. John Beverage of Nashville, Tennessee gave the photo to Yates. Dr. Beverage is the brother of the late Seybert Beverage, one of the founders of the Ruffed Grouse Society. The Beverage home, on Spruce Street in Monterey, Virginia, was where wheelchair-bound Seybert Beverage conducted his law practice. As an attorney, he played a key role in the inception of the organization and later was editor of the Society’s first newsletter, which he put together in his home office.
THE 1960’s
October 10, 1961- the date the Ruffed Grouse Society of America (RGSA) is formed in Monterey, VA,
with incorporation on October 24: Bruce R. Richardson, president; Judge Seybert Beverage, Secretary; and Dixie
Shumate, Treasurer.

Membership is $10 annual or $100 Life (billed for 4 yrs. at $25 ea. yr.) and you got your name on a

The Ruffed Grouse Society of America publishes its first publication by the same name Vol. 1 – No. 1
in Monterey, VA for April 1963. Judge Seybert is Editor. One article indicates 151 members from 21 states.

Vol 2. – No. 1 for Summer 1964 indicates two more states are now represented (TX and GA) and 117 new members added
“Since the last edition of the publication…’ (Vol. 1 – No. 1). That’s 268 members from 23 states.In November
2010,there werecurrent members from 49 and occasionally a serviceman member passes through Hawaii to
make all 50 states.

Game popularity rating for Maine. Note: ruffed grouse were 2nd and woodcock were 9th.
Not yet supported by RGSA, grouse research at Cloquet, MN

Sign from RGSA National Headquarters that also appeared on the annual magazines.
First Annual Meeting held August 12-13 in Bedford Springs, PA
hosted 40 delegates from five states and DC. PA chosen because of its recognition of the ruffed grouse as its state
bird. Keith Davis is elected president, replacing founding president Bruce R. Richardson. Other founding officers
also relinquish posts.

1966 Annual Meeting Dinner

Ruffed Grouse — Pennsylvania State Bird
Vol 3 – No. 1 Spring 1967 New emblem (patch) available $2 ea.
Blackwater Falls Lodge, WV hosts the 1967 annual meeting on September 9. Authorizes state and local chapters as well
as publishing a winter and summer issue of the magazine. President’s Letter – Reported on the annual meeting and
indicated the emblems would be sent out in the next few days.

February 1968 sees Vol. 4 – No. 1 published. First order of
jacket emblems nearly sold out. Vol. 4 – No. 2 published June 1968 indicates the location of the annual meeting on
August 23-25 at Allenberry, Boiling Springs, PA. First ad appears in June 1968RGSA magazine.Article
about the first radio transmitters to be placed on grouse credits the lowly and often maligned porcupine as being
used to develop the transmitters and tracking technique for the research at Cloquet in MN during early 1965. It is
hoped ‘the great uncertainty, the grouse cycle, can have its cause finally pinned down’.President’s Letter
indicates he (Keith Davis) was re-elected ‘his arm was twisted’ and that other officers stayed the same with the
addition of a new vice president, Nick Sisley, who would also edit the magazine.

Note the TV and other furnishings.
Vol 5, No. 2 June 1969 announces annual meeting at ‘The Fabulous Lake Placid Club in the
Adirondacks August 22-24’ where George Ford is elected president. Also provided an update on ‘RGSA’s Tax Exempt
Status’ which hadn’t been granted yet. Finally granted 501(c)(3) non-profit status two weeks after the meeting on
September 4, 1969. State chaptersforming and becoming active.“Gridding” – New Habitat Management Tool
promoted as a way to increase wildlife.

“For all of us, it was a labor of love,” said Bruce Richardson, RGS’ first president, many years ago.
It remains so today.
Continue to the 1970’s
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Rev. February 3, 2011