RGS & AWS activity in Midwestern states will increase with Steigerwaldt’s expanded capacity

The Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society announced today that Jon Steigerwaldt, Forest Conservation Director for the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest, will now oversee work in both the Lower and Upper Peninsula of Michigan in addition to Ohio and Indiana.
This is an expansion from Steigerwaldt’s former region, which covered Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. As part of the expansion of responsibilities, a Minnesota coordinator position will be added to the ranks of RGS & AWS employees, to work under Jon’s direction and implement habitat projects there.
Steigerwaldt has already been working behind the scenes, building a conservation network with partners in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. He will work closely with Regional Directors Lisa Rossi and Glen Blackwood in his expanded region.
“We’re excited to put Jon to work here,” said Blackwood, who works with a wide range of partners and chapters across the Eastern Great Lakes. “Having Jon extend his experience into this region will benefit our mission of stewardship and forest conservation. His understanding of issues on the federal, state, and local levels will allow for large landscape opportunities to the benefit of forests, wildlife, and residents.”
“Jon’s experience and understanding will be beneficial for habitat projects in Ohio’s historic grouse range,” said Rossi, who works with partners and chapters in the Mid-Atlantic Region. “With Jon’s knowledge, it will allow us to be more proactive in managing Ohio’s woodlands to achieve diverse and healthy forests. We are looking forward to working with Jon in Ohio.”
Steigerwaldt has been with the RGS & AWS for three years and he is a third-generation tree farmer and forester based in Wisconsin.
RGS & AWS Forest Conservation Directors are tasked with identifying regional priorities for ruffed grouse, American woodcock, and all forest wildlife and then working to ensure that forest habitat is created and maintained. Steigerwaldt and all Forest Conservation Directors are building and managing networks that achieve forest habitat improvement goals across the United States. The directors will help transition RGS & AWS from discrete, isolated projects toward scalable, landscape efforts.
Established in 1961, RGS & AWS is North America’s foremost conservation organization dedicated to creating healthy forests, abundant wildlife, and promoting conservation ethics. RGS & AWS works with landowners and government agencies to develop critical habitat utilizing scientific management practices.
For more information or to reach a Forest Conservation Director, visit the RGS &AWS website at RuffedGrouseSociety.org. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @RuffedGrouseSociety.
Media Contact:
Ashley Peters
Director of Communications & Marketing